"The Abrahamic
Covenant of circumcision".
Now here is a very
important point The Covenant of circumcision IS to be an EVERLASTING covenant
THROUGHOUT the generations!!!
When is everlasting
not everlasting?
Why do we not keep
circumcision today? Or should we be?
Genesis17: 9-13
And God said to Abraham: "As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you
and your DECENDANTS AFTER you THROUGHOUT their generations. 17:10 "This
is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your DESCENDANTS
after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; 17:11 "and
you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall
be a SIGN of the COVENANT between Me and you. 17:12 "He who is eight days
old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations,
he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who
is not your descendant. 17:13 "He who is born in your house and he who
is bought with your money must be circumcised, and My covenant shall be
in your flesh for an EVERLASTING covenant.
Genesis 17:7
"And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants
after you in their generations, for an EVERLASTING covenant, to be God
to you and your descendants after you.
Note also the words
"to be God to you and your descendants after you"
Galatians 3:29
"If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according
to the promise".
Well that scripture
includes us! No doubt about that!!
The Circumcision Covenant
establishes that God IS "GOD TO US" (Genesis 17:7 above)
And here’s a severe
warning if we don’t keep it…
Genesis 17:14
"And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh
of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has
broken My covenant."
Wow! That pretty conclusive.
God says:
- We are to keep
it; we are Abraham’s heirs.
- It is an everlasting
- God tells us to
keep it to establish he is, "GOD to us".(Genesis 17:7)
- There is a severe
warning if you break it! You’ll be cut off from God’s people.!!!
If you LOVE God and
want to PLEASE him then surely you are going to obey his Commandments
on circumcision, "faith without works is dead", it is everlasting
Covenant! The Bible says it, that settles it!
Here’s what Paul says
about it:
Galatians 5:2
"Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, CHRIST
1 Corinthians 7:18-19
Was anyone called while circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised.
Was anyone called while uncircumcised? Let him not be circumcised. 7:19
Circumcision is NOTHING and uncircumcision is NOTHING.
If you LOVE God and
want to PLEASE him then surely you are going to obey his commandments
on circumcision, "faith without works is dead", it is everlasting
covenant! The Bible says it, that settles it!
BUT: let’s not make
conclusions on half the picture and see what the Bible really says in
Colossians 2:11 In
Him you were also CIRCUMCISED with the circumcision made without hands,
by putting off the body of the sins of the FLESH, by the circumcision
of Christ, 2:12 buried with Him in BAPTISM, in which you also were raised
with Him through FAITH in the working of God, who raised Him from the
dead. 2:13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision
of your flesh.
What is in the
"OLD Testament CONCEALED" is in the "NEW REVEALED"!!!
The cutting off of
the flesh and casting it away (foreskin), is revealed here though baptism,
as dying to the flesh, cutting ourselves off from sin, and throwing it
("To live by
the Spirit" covered in a later message).
Interestingly the
flesh nature can only be done away with by entering by FAITH into CHRIST.
The power of these
verses is that all the 3 KEY elements of the Abrahamic Covenant, the "condition"
(FAITH) the "promise" (Father of many nations) and the "sign"
(Circumcision) are fulfill IN Christ.
- We die to the sinful
flesh, *sign
- Through Faith in
Christ, *condition
- To become heirs/
descendants of Abraham. And "You are all sons of God through faith
in Jesus.(Gal 3:26) *promise
So we see a clear
example of that in the Old Testament having the SHADOW and Christ bringing
the TRUTH to the shadow.
The shadow: cutting
off of the flesh is of works (an external act), the REVEALED TRUTH of
cutting off and dying to the flesh nature is by FAITH. (In the heart "internal
act") (IN and BY CHRIST).
To go back after a
Born again experience and circumcise ourselves is to deny that Jesus has
cast away our sin.
Thus Paul rightly
Gal 5:2 Indeed I,
Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you
In essence he’s saying
you are totally missing the whole point, you’re not understanding that
what CHRIST has done for you.
Jesus brought the
TRUTH to the shadow of circumcision.
The flesh circumcision
was an outward act.
Christ reveals the
Truth, which it is an inward act that HE provides, through faith IN HIM.
These things are but
a shadow, the substance (Truth) is Christ.
Do we pay attention
to a shadow or the real thing?
To go back to those
shadows is to deny that the substance (THE TRUTH: JESUS) has come.
So we don’t keep the
outward SIGN of that Covenant anymore for it is fulfilled "IN
Christ" and indeed it is still everlasting for the circumcision of
the heart continues today.
We are to keep it;
we are Abraham’s heirs.
It is an everlasting
God tells us to keep
it to establish he is, "GOD to us".(Genesis 17:7)
There is a severe
warning if you break it! You’ll be cut off from God’s people.!!!
However the revealed
The circumcision of
the foreskin was a shadow.(external)
Christ is the fulfilling
and TRUTH of the shadow.(internal )
When we are "IN
HIM" we do fulfill the truth of shadow and keep it requirements.
To go back and try
to fulfill and adhere to the shadow requirements (foreskin circumcision)
Christ profits you nothing!
And again to try to
fulfill the requirements of the shadow (foreskin circumcision) even with
the best of intentions and out of an act of love toward God. "Faith
without works is dead". Is to deny what Christ has fulfilled for
us. INDEED Christ profits you nothing. For one has undermined and negated
the work-or power of the Cross.
1) Recap: The Old
Covenant IS specifically the 10 Commandments, we are told it is 2 Cor
2 Corinthians 3:6 "A Ministry
that kills"
2 Corinthians 3:7 "A ministry
of Death"
2 Corinthians 3:7 "Its fading"/"passing
2 Corinthians 3:9
"A ministry of condemnation"
2 Corinthians 3:9 A
ministry that (once) had Glory
2 Corinthians 3:10 "It has No
2 Corinthians 3:11 & 14 "That
which is passing away" / "set aside"
2 Corinthians 3:15&16 "A veil
that keeps you from seeing Christ"!
In Galatians speaking of the Old Covenant:
The Old is of the
FLESH [Gal 4:23] (Works)
The New is of the
SPIRIT [Gal 4:29] (Faith).
We are Biblically commanded to "cast out the Old Covenant"
[Gal 4:30],
It is put aside "IN"
Christ. [2 Corinthians 3:vs11,13,&14].
Those holding onto the Old Covenant -10 Commandments- will persecute those
of the New Covenant. [Gal 4:29]
There is a New Covenant
coming that is NOT like the Old Covenant of Moses.[Jeremiah 31:31]
In Romans Paul speaks of the Old Covenant / Moral Law in this manner:
But now we have been
delivered from the law (Old Covenant) In Christ. [Romans 7:6]
We are delivered from
the law, having died to what we were held by. [Romans 7:6]
We die to the Old
Covenant so to bear fruit for God [Romans7:4]
It likened to Adultery to combine the Old & the New. [Romans 7:3]
The New Covenant is
NOT "like" the Old. [Jeremiah 31:31-32]
It is NOT the same
but now on our hearts because it would have the same fruit.
Changing the location
from tablets of stone, to the heart, doesn’t make it adultery.
The changing of location
doesn’t make it adultery! (Same wife, different bed)
Changing of the Covenants
does make it adultery (Different wife, while alive to the other).
How can the content
of New be exactly the same as the Old Covenant, the Old is fading (3:7
& 3:13), has no glory (3:9 & 3:10) whereas the New is Permanent
(3:11) and is MORE glorious (3:9 & 3:11).[2 Corinthians 3]
Again if the Covenant
is the SAME then how can it be adultery to join the two together? (Romans
It is not adultery
if one partner dies.
That is why we are
to die to the Mosaic Covenant. (Which the Bible specifies, specifically
as the Ten Commandments) Why?
So we can serve in
the "New Way" of the Spirit NOT in the way of the "written
code"(law) "Romans 7:6
2) ) Recap
The Bible says the
Law was ADDED because of transgressions. Then it was added! [Gal3:19]
The Bible says the
law made sin abound. Then that is what it does. [Romans 5:20]
The Bible says the
law makes known to us what sin is. Then it is so. [Romans 7:7]
The Bible says the
law is in charge to bring people to Christ. Then that is what it does.[Gal
The Bible says the
law is NOT for the righteous, then it is indeed so. [1 Tim 1:8]
The Bible says the
law leaves us helpless in need of a Saviour. It is so. [Romans 8:2-3]
The Bible says the
law brings death, then that is what it does. [Romans 8:2] [2 Cor 3:7]
The Bible says that
the law is put aside "IN CHRIST" then that is what happens.
[2 Cor 3:14]
The Bible says we
are to cast out the bondwoman (10 Commandments), then it is to be done.
[Gal 4:30]
The Bible say after
faith has come you are not under the law, then that is indeed so. [Gal
The Bible says Christian’s
are dead to the law, then that is what you are. [Romans 7:4]
When the Bible says
Christ is the end of the Law for Believers. It is indeed so. [Romans 10:4]
When the Bible says
the law was added UNTIL Christ. Then that is indeed so. [Gal 3:19]
When the Bible says
the righteous requirement of the law is fulfilled in me through Christ,
then it is so.
When the Bible says
the law incl. (10 Commandments) is fulfilled IN me not BY me, then that
is indeed so. [Romans 8:4]
3) Recap:
In Christ’s own words:
the whole law is dependent on 2 laws outside of the 10 commandments. Matt
The Ten Commandments
are not pre-existent or eternal they were give through Moses (Duet 5:3)
And Specifically the
Ten Commandments was not given BEFORE Moses (Duet 5:3)
"The Law"
came though Moses (John 1:17 & Romans 5:13-14)
Sin was BEFORE the
Law. (Romans 5:13)
Sin was not accounted
UNTIL Moses. (Romans 5:14)
The Law was added
430 later and is UNTIL Christ (Gal 3:19)
Was made known for
the first time through Moses [Nehemiah 9:13-14]
God’s own words describe
that he gave his Covenant to Moses. [Jeremiah 31:32]
Before Moses, The
Bibles silence on the forefathers keeping the Sabbath is in harmony with
all scripture.
The modern day Ceremonial
/ Moral law Doctrine does not stand up to the Biblical test and is in
conflict with the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Why? A=(All the above
4) Recap
Are we to keep it;
we are Abraham’s heirs.
It is an everlasting
God tells us to keep
it to establish that he is, "GOD to us". (Genesis 17:7)
There is a severe
warning if you break it! You’ll be cut off from God’s people.!!!
However the TRUTH
The circumcision of
the foreskin was a shadow.
Christ is the fulfilling
and TRUTH of the shadow.
When we are "IN
HIM" we do fulfill the truth of shadow and keep it requirements.
To go back and try
to fulfill and adhere to the shadow requirements (foreskin circumcision)
Christ profits you nothing!
And again to try to
fulfill the requirements of the shadow (foreskin circumcision) even with
the best of intentions and out of an act of love toward God. "Faith
without works is dead". It is to deny what Christ has fulfilled for
us. INDEED Christ profits you nothing. For one has undermined and negated
the work of the Cross.
Which leads us into
some other text about shadows and the Sabbath.
My next post
Truth is not a Church
or denomination
Truth is not a thing
Truth is a Person
and HIS name is Jesus Christ the Son of God.
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