Is there life after Adventism? What’s Mark Martin up to now?
After leaving the SDA Church in 1982, Pastor Mark and Leslie Martin started Calvary Community Church, a non-denominational, Bible teaching fellowship of believers. Just 11 people met for Calvary ‘s first service, today more than 11,000 people are members of Calvary.
The Lord has been doing exciting things through Calvary over the years. Each week we have 6 regular worship services and dozens of classes for all ages and interests. There are over 100 classes for children each week.
Leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of tomorrow.
Here’s what the Lord’s been doing at Calvary lately:
- Since the early 1990’s Pastor Mark has been teaching God’s Word on the radio with a daily broadcast called Grace Upon Grace which airs 3 times per day in Phoenix and in several other cities.
- In 2001 we began broadcasting a 24-hour Christian radio station on the internet called Calvary Radio. Calvary Radio streams Christian music and Bible teaching around the globe from the campus of Calvary Community Church . All of our worship services are also heard live on each week.
- In 2003 Grace Upon Grace began airing on PAX -TV in Phoenix (now Independent Television) with a half-hour show on Sunday mornings.
- In 2004 Pastor Mark began sending out a daily e-mail devotional called Grace Mail. Grace Mail is received by over 5,500 households with numerous responses coming from around the world. You can subscribe now by clicking here .
- Also in 2004 Calvary began broadcasting a live video feed of all our worship services on the Church’s website . Hundreds of people around the world watch the live services at Calvary each week!
- In early 2005 Calvary purchased a 42,000 sq. ft. former 10-screen theatre complex. This building, over 1 acre under roof, will be home to a satellite campus approximately 7 miles to the northwest of the main campus. This will alleviate our constant lack of enough seating for everyone and be closer for about half of Calvary ‘s membership. Pastor Mark will teach at both campuses either live or via video feed. Calvary will remain one church with 2 locations to further reach out to this expanding city.
Some incredible numbers to share
- In 2005 over 1,600 people accepted Jesus as their Savior here at Calvary!
- On Resurrection Sunday alone, 368 decisions for Christ were made!
- On Christmas Eve, 537 decisions for Christ were made at Calvary ‘s services!
- 480 families became new members of Calvary in 2005.
- 588 people were baptized at Calvary in 2005.
- The Church’s website,, receives over 12,000 unique visitors per month!
- One weekend in January 2005, Pastor Mark gave the impromptu opportunity for people to be baptized during the service, without any advanced notice or change of clothes (we provided towels and scrubs to wear). 217 people were baptized! The following week our High School and Junior High Pastors baptized some of the youth during the Sunday night service and 29 teenagers were baptized! Actually, during the three weekends from December 31 st to January 16 th, 284 people were baptized at Calvary! Praise the Lord for the work of His Spirit and for all His blessings!
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