Leading Ladies

The Adventist Review, in an article entitled, “Leading Ladies,” highlighted the February 7th anniversary of Adelia Patten Van Horn’s election as the first women to a General Conference office in 1871. She served as General Conference treasurer for two years when the church membership stood at 5,440.

The short article shows the progress that the church has made 140 years later. Here it goes: “…with a worldwide membership of 16,307,880, 13 women are currently serving, either by election or appointment, as part of the General Conference administration and/or Executive Committee.” Most of them are glorified secretaries or assistants – so much for increasing the role of women in the official administration of the church – do the math. This is another example of the Adventist Church P.R. people flaunting a failure as a success.

(see: Adventist Review, 1/27/11. p. 7)

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