James R. Nix is the Director of the Ellen G. White Estate at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In the March 23, 2006 issue of Adventist Review he wrote an article beginning on page 8 entitled “Growing Up Adventist: No Apologies Needed,” subtitled “A church leader warmly remembers the lessons he learned.” Near the end of the article under the heading “The Best Way to Live” he states:
“In addition to these things, I’m glad for other lessons my church taught me, including… [#3] That Ellen White was a genuine prophet of the Lord and that His counsels through her on all sorts of topics thus are authoritative. I’m glad my church taught me to accept her prophetic messages as being valid. Her ministry has enriched my life immeasurably;” (emphasis added)
Despite the Adventist Church’s attempts to diminish her importance and influence on the church, the truth is that she really is held as their inspired authority from God.